Module:Print ref/Array
This module contains all identifying data for official Critical Role novels, comics, and sourcebooks, as well as relevant Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks, including their code, pagename, source type, and alternative code words that may be used to call them. The values are sorted by work type and issue number. Whenever a new printed work comes out, it should be added here. This data is used by Module:Print ref/Matcher to validate a name or code of a printed work, usually in a call to {{print ref}} or {{comic}}, as well as Module:Print ref/Info to return source information.
Field names[edit source]
- title: the name of the work. Inferred to be the same as the relevant pagename
- pagename: only needed if the work title is different from the page
- workType: The types of works include:
: graphic novelgn series
: graphic novel seriesbook
: book, including novels and CR sourcebookscomic
: comicdnd
: Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks
- altCodes: Other short words, phrases, or abbreviations that can mean the same work. These can be used for either an entire work or a single issue.
- issues: List of issues by number and pagename
return {
["mno jester"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Jester Lavorre",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'jester'},
["mno caleb"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'caleb'},
["mno yasha"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Yasha Nydoorin",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'yasha'},
["mno nott"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Nott the Brave",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'nott'},
["mno fjord"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Fjord Stone",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'fjord'},
["mno molly"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Mollymauk Tealeaf",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'molly'},
["mno beau"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Beauregard Lionett",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'beau'},
["mno caduceus"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Caduceus Clay",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'caduceus'},
["mno home"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins: Home",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'home'},
["mno"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein Origins",
["workType"] = "gn series",
["altCodes"] = {'tmno', 'mighty nein origins'},
["toe"] = {
["title"] = "The Tales of Exandria",
["workType"] = "gn series",
["altCodes"] = {'ttoe'},
["tbq"] = {
["title"] = "The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen",
["workType"] = "comic",
["altCodes"] = {'bright queen', 'toe i'},
['issues'] = {
['1'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen 1",
['2'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen 2",
['3'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen 3",
['4'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen 4",
["artagan"] = {
["title"] = "The Tales of Exandria II: Artagan",
["workType"] = "comic",
["altCodes"] = {'toe ii'},
['issues'] = {
['1'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria II: Artagan 1",
['2'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria II: Artagan 2",
['3'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria II: Artagan 3",
['altCodes'] = {'prev comic latest'}, --for testing purposes
['4'] = {
['page'] = "The Tales of Exandria II: Artagan 4",
["midst au"] = {
["title"] = "Midst: Address Unknown",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'address unknown', 'midst 1'},
["midst tvf"] = {
["title"] = "Midst: The Valorous Farmer",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'the valorous farmer', 'midst 2', 'comic latest'},
["midst ripples"] = {
["title"] = "Midst: Ripples",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'ripples', 'midst 3'},
["midst"] = {
["title"] = "Midst",
["pagename"] = "Midst (comic)",
["workType"] = "gn series",
["altCodes"] = {'midst'},
["cotn"] = {
["title"] = "Call of the Netherdeep",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'netherdeep'},
["chapters"] = {
['title'] = 'Introduction: Answering the Call',
['startPage'] = 4,
['endPage'] = 17,
['chapterNum'] = 1,
['title'] = 'A Fateful Competition',
['startPage'] = 18,
['endPage'] = 35,
['chapterNum'] = 2,
['title'] = 'The Leave-Taking',
['startPage'] = 36,
['endPage'] = 47,
['chapterNum'] = 3,
['title'] = 'Bazzoxan',
['startPage'] = 48,
['endPage'] = 75,
['chapterNum'] = 4,
['title'] = 'The Jewel of Hope',
['startPage'] = 76,
['endPage'] = 119,
['chapterNum'] = 5,
['title'] = 'The Drowned City',
['startPage'] = 120,
['endPage'] = 137,
['chapterNum'] = 6,
['title'] = 'The Netherdeep',
['startPage'] = 138,
['endPage'] = 171,
['chapterNum'] = 7,
['title'] = 'The Heart of Despair',
['startPage'] = 172,
['endPage'] = 186,
['title'] = 'Appendix A: Creatures',
['startPage'] = 187,
['endPage'] = 211,
['title'] = 'Appendix B: Magic Items',
['startPage'] = 212,
['endPage'] = 216,
['title'] = 'Appendix C: Medals of Merit',
['startPage'] = 217,
['endPage'] = 217,
['title'] = 'Appendix D: Fragments of Suffering',
['startPage'] = 218,
['endPage'] = 218,
['title'] = 'Appendix E: Story Concept Art',
['startPage'] = 219,
['endPage'] = 222,
['title'] = 'Appendix F: Poster Map',
['startPage'] = 223,
['endPage'] = 224,
["egtw"] = {
["title"] = "Explorer's Guide to Wildemount",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {"explorer's guide", "explorer's", 'wildemount'},
["chapters"] = {
['title'] = 'Preface',
['startPage'] = 4,
['endPage'] = 4,
['title'] = "Welcome to Wildemount",
['startPage'] = 5,
['endPage'] = 10,
['chapterNum'] = 1,
['title'] = "Story of Wildemount",
['startPage'] = 11,
['endPage'] = 34,
['chapterNum'] = 2,
['title'] = "Factions and Societies",
['startPage'] = 35,
['endPage'] = 58,
['chapterNum'] = 3,
['title'] = "Wildemount Gazetteer",
['startPage'] = 59,
['endPage'] = 160,
['chapterNum'] = 4,
['title'] = "Character Options",
['startPage'] = 161,
['endPage'] = 204,
['chapterNum'] = 5,
['title'] = "Adventures in Wildemount",
['startPage'] = 205,
['endPage'] = 264,
['chapterNum'] = 6,
['title'] = "Wildemount Treasures",
['startPage'] = 265,
['endPage'] = 280,
['chapterNum'] = 7,
['title'] = "Wildemount Bestiary",
['startPage'] = 281,
['endPage'] = 301,
["tcs"] = {
["title"] = "Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'taldorei', "tal'dorei"},
["tcsr"] = {
["title"] = "Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'reborn', 'taldorei reborn', "tal'dorei reborn"},
["chapters"] = {
['title'] = 'Preface',
['startPage'] = 5,
['endPage'] = 6,
['chapterNum'] = 1,
['title'] = "Welcome to Tal'Dorei",
['startPage'] = 7,
['endPage'] = 26,
['chapterNum'] = 2,
['title'] = "Allegiances of Tal'Dorei",
['startPage'] = 27,
['endPage'] = 64,
['chapterNum'] = 3,
['title'] = "Tal'Dorei Gazetteer",
['startPage'] = 65,
['endPage'] = 148,
['chapterNum'] = 4,
['title'] = "Character Options",
['startPage'] = 149,
['endPage'] = 192,
['chapterNum'] = 5,
['title'] = "Game Master's Toolkit",
['startPage'] = 193,
['endPage'] = 216,
['chapterNum'] = 6,
['title'] = "Allies and Adversaries of Tal'Dorei",
['startPage'] = 217,
['endPage'] = 275,
["coe 1"] = {
["title"] = "The Chronicles of Exandria Vol. I: The Tale of Vox Machina",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'coe volume 1', 'coe vol 1', "The Chronicles of Exandria Volume One", 'The Chronicles of Exandria Volume 1'},
["coe 2"] = {
["title"] = "The Chronicles of Exandria Vol. II: The Legend of Vox Machina",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'coe volume 2', 'coe vol 2', "The Chronicles of Exandria Volume Two", 'The Chronicles of Exandria Volume 2'},
["coe mn"] = {
["title"] = "The Chronicles of Exandria - The Mighty Nein",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'tcoe mn', 'coe mighty nein', "The Chronicles of Exandria — The Mighty Nein"},
["k&k"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina — Kith & Kin",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'kith', 'k&k', 'kk'},
["tneol"] = {
["title"] = "The Mighty Nein — The Nine Eyes of Lucien",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'lucien', 'nine eyes'},
["winter"] = {
["title"] = "Critical Role: Winter's Crest Festival",
["workType"] = "comic",
["vmo"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina Origins",
["workType"] = "gn series",
["vmo iv"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina Origins IV",
["workType"] = "comic",
["altCodes"] = {"vox machina origins iv", "vmo series iv"},
['issues'] = {
['1'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins IV 1",
['2'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins IV 2",
['3'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins IV 3",
['4'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins IV 4",
['5'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins IV 5",
['6'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins IV 6",
["vmo iii"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina Origins III",
["workType"] = "comic",
["altCodes"] = {"vox machina origins iii", "vmo series iii"},
['issues'] = {
['1'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins III 1",
['2'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins III 2",
['3'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins III 3",
['4'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins III 4",
['5'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins III 5",
['6'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins III 6",
["vmo ii"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina Origins II",
["workType"] = "comic",
["altCodes"] = {"vox machina origins ii", "vmo series ii"},
['issues'] = {
['1'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins II 1",
['2'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins II 2",
['3'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins II 3",
['4'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins II 4",
['5'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins II 5",
['6'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins II 6",
["vmo i"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina Origins I",
["workType"] = "comic",
["altCodes"] = {"vox machina origins i", "vmo series i"},
['issues'] = {
['1'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins 1",
['2'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins 2",
['3'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins 3",
['4'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins 4",
['5'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins 5",
['6'] = {
['page'] = "Vox Machina Origins 6",
["vmo a"] = {
["title"] = "Vox Machina Origins: Animals",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'animals', 'vmo animals'},
["whitestone"] = {
["title"] = "The Legend of Vox Machina: Whitestone Chronicles",
["workType"] = "gn series",
["altCodes"] = {'tlvmwc', 'lvmwc', 'wc'},
["ripley"] = {
["title"] = "The Legend of Vox Machina: Whitestone Chronicles — Ripley",
["workType"] = "gn",
["altCodes"] = {'wcr', 'wc ripley', 'whitestone chronicles - ripley'},
["cookbook"] = {
["title"] = "Exquisite Exandria",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'EA', "exquisite exandria: the official cookbook of critical role", 'book latest'},
["wocr"] = {
["title"] = "The World of Critical Role",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {"the world of critical role: the history behind the epic fantasy", "twocr"},
["phb"] = {
["title"] = "Player's Handbook, 5th edition",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {"ph", "player's handbook"},
["dmg"] = {
["title"] = "Dungeon Master's Guide, 5th edition",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {"dungeon master's guide"},
["mm"] = {
["title"] = "Monster Manual, 5th edition",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'monster manual'},
["xgte"] = {
["title"] = "Xanathar's Guide to Everything",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'xanathar'},
["vgtm"] = {
["title"] = "Volo's Guide to Monsters",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {"vgm", "volo"},
["wbtw"] = {
["title"] = "The Wild Beyond the Witchlight",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'witchlight', 'twbtw'},
["mtof"] = {
["title"] = "Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'mtf'},
["ggtr"] = {
["title"] = "Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'ravnica'},
["tcoe"] = {
["title"] = "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {"tce", "tasha"},
["mot"] = {
["title"] = "Mystic Odysseys of Theros",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'theros'},
["oota"] = {
["title"] = "Out of the Abyss",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'abyss'},
["toa"] = {
["title"] = "Tomb of Annihilation",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'annihilation'},
["scag"] = {
["title"] = "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["sky"] = {
["title"] = "Storm King's Thunder",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["erlw"] = {
["title"] = "Eberron: Rising from the Last War",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'eberron'},
["llok"] = {
["title"] = "Lost Library of Kwalish",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'kwalish'},
["bgdia"] = {
["title"] = "Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'baldur'},
["cm"] = {
["title"] = "Candlekeep Mysteries",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["eepc"] = {
["title"] = "Elemental Evil Player's Companion",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["gos"] = {
["title"] = "Ghosts of Saltmarsh",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'saltmarsh'},
["idrotf"] = {
["title"] = "Icewind Dale: Rise of the Frostmaiden",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'icewind dale'},
["motm"] = {
["title"] = "Monsters of the Multiverse",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'mpmotm'},
["vrgtr"] = {
["title"] = "Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'ravenloft', 'van richten'},
["co"] = {
["title"] = "Candela Obscura: Core Rulebook",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'candela obscura core rulebook', 'candela', 'candela obscura', 'candela core rulebook', 'co core'},
["co qsg"] = {
["title"] = "Candela Obscura: Quickstart Guide",
["workType"] = "book",
["altCodes"] = {'candela obscura quickstart', 'co quickstart', 'candela quickstart'},
["cold rush"] = {
["title"] = "Cold Rush",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'cold rush'},
["complete scoundrel"] = {
["title"] = "Complete Scoundrel",
["workType"] = "dnd",
["altCodes"] = {'complete scoundrel'},